We are very very much appreciated..
So, in the 3rd post, which is also our last post, we would like to introduce the nice food in Teluk Intan. Reluctant? Yes we are!!! We still holding hand by hand ...
walking step by step to discover more worthy food for u guys!!! Cheers.....
Since we got only 1 car to travel and there is not enough seats for so many members. The boys of our group decided to go Teluk Intan by MOTOR!!! Sounds amazing right? Yes, They did. So, we girls by a car and boys by motors heading to Teluk Intan!
We depart from Kampar at 2pm. We travel from Kampar to Teluk Intan took around 45 minutes car travelling. This time discovering Teluk Intan we really ate a lot!!! It's kind of super duper FULL!!!
* On the way to Teluk Intan, we saw a large field of paddy rice.
It was really pretty good feel.
How about our heroes??? XDXD
* Hero 2- Ting Chen, Hero 3- Kok Kui, &
Hero 4- Mikky Jin Jian =)
Where are the girls???
* Mica, Cornie, Alicia, Mangai, and Cherly......Yea~ Smile =)
* They are taking rest for their motor and also themselves..

It was really pretty good feel.
How about our heroes??? XDXD
* Our hero 1 ~ Group Leader - Milky Chun kit =)
* Hero 2- Ting Chen, Hero 3- Kok Kui, &
Hero 4- Mikky Jin Jian =)
Where are the girls???
* Mica, Cornie, Alicia, Mangai, and Cherly......Yea~ Smile =)
* They are taking rest for their motor and also themselves..
Nasi Kandar Chongkat Jong Krishnan Restaurant
All right....Our first stop was Nasi Kandar Chongkat Jong Krishnan Restaurant.
It is selling the famous Nasi Kandar at Teluk Intan~
When we reached there was about 3pm.

It is selling the famous Nasi Kandar at Teluk Intan~
When we reached there was about 3pm.

* This is the signage of Nasi Kandar Changkat Jong Krishnan Restaurant.
* Side view of Nasi Kandar Changkat Jong Krishnan Restaurant.
* This is the self service area that provide to customers.
* This is the area that for customers to take away their drinks.
* Here is the counter for customers paid for food.
* There are a lot of seats at the open air sitting for customers to dine in.
So...What we wait for??? Lets go to discover the Nasi Kandar!!! There was a long queue for self service Nasi Kandar. You can see people is waiting for nice chicken there.
* Customers are busying self service.
* Different kinds of dishes and curries are placed on the tables.
* The spicy fried chickens are displayed like this. You can choose the chicken you like.
First at all, get a plate of plain rice from their staffs. We can just scoop up the dishes we want to our plates.
There are different kinds of curries available like fish curry, beans curry, chicken curry...
So after we grabbed our food and paid it,
Let's take a seat and enjoy the food! 
* Nasi Kandar with spicy fried chicken, fried boiled egg, curry potato and crackers.
* Nasi Kandar with fried boiled egg, spicy fried chicken, crackers and long beans.
* They are so EXCITED !!!
* Yummy Yummy~
Plain rice - RM 1.00
Spicy Fried Chicken - RM 2.50
Each Dishes - RM 2.50
Cracker - RM 0.20 per piece
Drinks - RM 1.00 per cup
This is the picture of price board.
Overall, their food price is reasonable and affordable. You will really full enough if you able to finish a plate of nasi kandar like the photo above. By the way, their Nasi Kandar is really awesome. Especially their spicy fried chicken is really tasty with appropriate spicy. Their spicy fried chicken are still juicy after fried. So their outer layer of chicken is crispy but inner chicken meat is juicy and fresh! Besides, their curry is also a legend. The texture of their curry is good enough and it will be an unforgettable taste of curry ever.
For drinks, we don't need to wait someone to get our orders. It is self service too. The best part is each drink is only cost RM 1.00. Their best seller drinks is Teh O Ais Limau. The tea flavor were strong blends well with the lime, far better than any Mamak stalls!
The Nasi Kandar of this shop is suitable for all races of people because it is Halal!
* Ditanggung Halal
The customer feedback are also good recommended. Some customers from Teluk Intan said they sure will have Nasi Kandar here at least twice a week.
This shop was start operated by father in 1983. At the beginning, they don't own a legal licence. However, their business getting success from day to day. So, the owner expand the business to current location, which is 42, Jalan Changkat Jong, Teluk Intan and get the legal licence successfully. In 1985, they successfully get the Halal chop too. The old location of this shop is actually located 1km from current location. It was a small stall.
Now, the owner is pass his business to his son to operate.
* The owner of Nasi Kandar Chongkat Jong Krishnan Restaurant.
* Ending this place with a group photo at Nasi Kandar Chongkat Jong, Teluk Intan.
Smile >_*
Nasi Kandar Chongkat Jong Krishnan Restaurant
Opening Hours:
11am to 4pm (Closed at Saturday)
42, Jalan Chongkat Jong,
Teluk Intan.
How to get there:
Ah Chai Rojak
Since we not full yet, the most logical option would be to go for a light snack. So, we head to Ah Chai Rojak which located at Jalan Woo Saik Hong, Teluk Intan. It took around 10 minutes car travelling to reach Ah Chai Rojak. The name of Rojak Ah Chai can’t escape the list of must-eats in any itinerary of a foodie’s excursion to Teluk Intan. Rojak of course, is the ubiquitous Asian salad commonly found in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.
* Ah Chai Rojak Stall
* Ah Chai Rojak.
* Workers are busying serving rojak for customers.
* There are variety of ingredients and fruits.
So we ordered 2 plates of rojaks. 
* Ah Chai Rojak RM 3.00 per plate (RM 1.00 for each add-on)
* Ah Chai Rojak drenched in thick, dark, rojak sauce plus gooey sauce!
The bite-sized ingredients thrown into the ensemble include homemade prawn fritters, water convolvulus (kangkung), turnip, chopped pineapples, mango, guava and beansprout mixed together with chopped cucumber and squid in the rojak sauce made from a mixture of sambal, prawn paste, black soy sauce and a secret ingredient and sprinkled with fried crackers and crushed peanuts. The sauce is spicy when eaten on its own but the juices from the fruits and vegetables water it down to a balanced, sweeter taste.It is much better than the common rojak as the taste lingers in the mouth long after consumption. The rojak sauce comes from the original owner of the business.
Another specialty of Ah Chai Rojak is their homemade prawn fritters. It is an original recipe, the plain-looking fritters pack a punch and are full of flavors. The batter to make them is also a family secret. The fritters are very crunchy and, served in the rojak, combine with the sauce well.
Current owner Leng Chan Soon recalled that the business was started in 1947 by his grandmother, Wong Ah Yee. She sold rojak from her home to make extra income. Chan Soon, along with his parents, Leng Fook Choy and Ngan Ah Yuk helped run the business in those days.
Chan Soon took over the business from his father when he was just 15 and has been at this location since the mid-1990s. Today, he runs the stall with his brother, Chan Hong, with occasional help from his mother.
Seeing that most of his business comes from foreign tourists and stop-over travellers, the 32-year-old wishes to one day open a branch in Kuala Lumpur to have a more stable base of customers.
* Ah Chai Rojak was interviewed by the Hochiak Team.
* We also interviewed a foreigner who came to Ah Chai Rojak. He was accompany his wife who is Malaysian to eat Ah Chai's Rojak. He said the rojak is very nice, very special and strongly recommended.
* Group picture at Ah Chai Rojak, Teluk Intan ~ Teehee... ^^
RM 3.00 per plate of rojak. (RM 1.00 for each add-on)
Telephone :
6012-462 1782
Opening Hours :
10.30am – 5.00pm daily. Closed on Wednesday and Thursday fortnightly.
Jalan Woo Saik Hong,
36000 Teluk Intan,
Perak, Malaysia.
Next to the wet market on the same road, opposite of San Min School.
Jalan Woo Saik Hong,
36000 Teluk Intan,
Perak, Malaysia.
Next to the wet market on the same road, opposite of San Min School.
How to get there:
No.1 Lo Han Kuo
After finished the Ah Chai Rojak, we head to No.1 Lo Han Kuo stall after took a long break. We need some cooling desserts or ice kacang to refresh our body and mind. Especially during the hot weather, No.1 Lo Han Kuo is the best option to go. It is located at No.337, Eastern Garden, Jalan Sungai Nibang, Teluk Intan which is just beside Anson Hotel. We took around 10 minutes car travelling from Ah Chai Rojak to No.1 Lo Han Kuo stall.
* No.1 Lo Han Kuo is an open air stall with many sitting places.
* No.1 Lo Han Kuo @ No. 337, Eastern Garden, Jalan Sungai Nibang, Teluk Intan.
* Inner view of No.1 Lo Han Kuo stall.
* No.1 Lo Han Kuo menu.
No.1 Lo Han Kuo is selling Lo Han Kuo, Hawaiii Ais Kacang, Coco Crunch, Fruit ABC, mee rebus, Jelly Man Tau Long, ais kacang buah and the best seller - Lengcikang.
* The best seller - Lengcikang 
Lengcikang contains red beans, sweet corn, grass jelly and cubes of jelly and brown sugar, sago, and ice blended. The Lengcikang is selling for RM3.50 per cup.
* Ais Kacang Buah
* Cendol with red beans.
* Sea Coconut Drink with Jelly
RM2.50 - RM 3.50
Opening Hours:
12.00pm - 6.30pm daily
No.337, Eastern Garden, Jalan Sungai Nibang, Teluk Intan. (Beside Anson Hotel)
How to get there:
This discovering to Teluk Intan was very excited, crazy and full of laughter. Especially the boys, they had a hectic day due to ride motor for long journey.By the way, our relationships are from strangers to become closed friends. Our bonds are getting stronger and stronger! Appreciate ♥
Friendship Forever!!! :D
Before ending this post, we are delighted to be here to thank you individually, repeatedly and sincerely for all reader's support, for the belief and commitment that you have shown and continue to show in this post, being with us as well.
We are appreciate so much!!! ♥
Thank you very much ♥♥♥
Have a nice day & wish you guys :
Happy Mooncake Festival
and also
Happy Merdeka KE-54.