☆ Music :

Tuesday 21 June 2011


Welcome everyone.
We are Perakeateries.
Enjoy our blog.


DeathMan said...

nice :D

Watch OUT !!! said...

thanks death man :)

sheng mikal said...


Anonymous said...

the claypot chicken rice's info abit less huh... got branches??

Bruce Wayne said...

1st: the page color is OK, not OVER colourful but it makes my eyes feel comfortable yet. 2nd: the font used is easy to read. 3rd: the organization of information is arranged and the flowing of storyboard is good. Conclusion: Overall, it's satisfy yet. Still have room for improvement. All the best.

Watch OUT !!! said...

Thanks Mikal... ^^

Anonymous: they dont hv branches, only have it in Kampar:D come and hv a try !!!

Thanks Bruce,ur comment is our motivation :)

Zell said...

nice blog~~ so nice~

Jigang said...

Excellent!! very nice le!!

cherly said...

jigang...thx!next time u come i treat u la....eat sago dessert la...

Albee Chow said...

so nice,i wan to try it next time^^

Anonymous said...

wow...nice blog...
i miss those food badly...

Anonymous said...

I want eat >.<

KB08 said...

wah...not bad...nx time come to perak no nid scare wer to eat...

yinz said...

nice blog...need a lil bit mnore info..nice pic.

Anonymous said...

Perak has really good food ! Kampar is one of those places ! Lovely blog ! :) Keep it up !


Ruby said...

Well done ya!!! nice n delicious!!! ^^

Anonymous said...

look like yummy..hungry dy..^^

Anonymous said...

look like yummy..hungry dy..^^